More to come......
Well, for those who listened to the first show, I thank you very much. I am currently working on the next two shows. One called easy on the ears, which is all classical music, and another called mixed bag, with an assortment of mainstream type tunes. I plan on having one come out a week.
Until next time,
Paul Puri
Unsigned Podcast Network
The site:
The blog:
The feed:
Promotion without shame.
Podcasting Announcements
Well. I think we got something.
Just not what I had in mind. The show is up, and it is the first attempt at the Heavier Than Most Show. It plays unsigned bands in the heavy metal type genre. Not hardcore mind you. There is some profanity in the first song, so one might rate this show PG13.
So many problems, so little time.The show was not as good as I had planned. Not the songs. I think the bands are excellant mind you, but I ran into a few audio problems, construction being done in the house, so my work environment was not too friendly during the process. That will change soon.
But I guess the biggest problem has to be the website. My webmaster has ran into computer problems of the worse kind. And as some of you know, a web designer I am not! I don't know my HTML from a whole in the wall. That will change. FAST! I can't depend on someone, especially since I don't have a budget. So I'd like to thank Gabriel first of all for his work on the site, despite the problems we ran into.
So what's next? That remains to be seen. I would like some feedback on the show. Again, keep in mind the problems I had. Then I will start putting together the other shows. I might go to a blog format, which will enable me to do maintenance myself. Loudblog is my drug of choice at the moment. We'll see.